Looking Behind The Mask
Chapter one
I cant wait to see my friends today… Not school of course but after school sports. I may be the only girl in my own section and the only freshmen but i get along well with them. I may go to foothill the supposed greatest school. Academically they got that in the bag. But socially they need a bit of work.
My sport is called Drumline, Its like a marching band but with only percussion instruments. There is battery and pit. Battery are the people on the layout floor/mat. Marching around and playing on drums at the same time. These drums also have different names there is snare,base drum,tenor/quads, and the separate section of battery called the cymbal players. I am a cymbal player. The difference between us and the rest of the battery is that we don’t warm up with them and sometimes can’t understand their “drum talk.” Pit are
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Friends,school,sports family. I only have time for three i chose school,sports, and family. Sadly lately our family has been stressful. Mom and dad have been fighting more and pretending like everything is fine more. They pretend like our family is perfect. But every family has a few skeletons in there closet. Ours is that my parents fight and at the moment i greve. My grandmother has been ill. Her husband has died. So she has fallen into a deep depression none of us can handle. Her soul has left her body. Slowly she is killing herself. How can a person do that? You may ask, I started when she fell. She wouldn’t go to the hospital because of how expensive it is. But then she fell more often and each time we would hope it wouldn’t be the end. until one day we left her alone by herself she insisted that she could handle herself. My uncle found her on the floor. She had been lying there for hours crying for help. So now she always has somebody watching her making sure nothing like that ever happens
On 08/04/16 at 8:42pm, I was dispatched to 2087 S. Hamilton Rd, on a injury dangerous or vicious dog/injured dog, serious injury, involving a Columbus Police Officer (CPD) being bit by a dog and shooting dog. I arrived at the location. I was advised my CPD personnel that the CPD Officer that was bite was transported to the hospital and that the dog was still breathing. I was escorted to the area where the dog was. The dog was on the ground, next to the dog was dog owner Jackie Fate. I was unable to see any visible injuries to the dog, the dog had shallow breathing. I asked Ms. Fate to wrap the leash around the dog’s mouth to prevent the dog from biting her or me while I placed the dog on the stretcher. Ms. Fate complied, I slowly guided the dog on the
I did not meet with Pt. , I was paged by Lisa Micciulla, front desk in the emergency room to please come to the ED concerning an "urgent" situation regarding this Pt. When I arrived in the ED registration area an MGH Security personnel stopped me to talk with Pt's daughter, Charlene McDonald. Pt's daughter explained she was not being allowed to see her father, who she understands was brought to MGH for surgery after a fall. Explained to Ms. McDonald, I was aware of Pt having a gaurdian, and that there was a court ordered visitation schedule between Ms. McDonald and Pt. She reported this was an extreme situation and she showed me text messages she had sent to Pt's guardian, Attorney Tine Hajjar. I advised I could not allow Ms. McDonald access to Pt. Based on the order from probate court. Ms. McDonald has visits with Pt on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday 11:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
It was a fine Sunday Morning. I was about to experience a fun day of baseball. It was a beautiful afternoon for a trip to the ballpark. I could hardly wait to get there to experience all of the fun things. I was with my brother and his girlfriend and my two nephews and me.I got there by car with my brother's girlfriend and me and my nephew. When we got there we went to the park there and played on the playground. Then we headed up to our seats which were all the way at the top ,one of the best seats in the house. I went down to the concession stand and my brother gave me $20 to buy three pops and a small pop for my nephews and me. The guys who comes to you and give you the ice cream and stuff. we got slushies
On March 4th, 2018, I, Officer Albert, was working as a Police Officer for the Wichita State University Police Department. At approximately 0150 hours I was dispatched to Shocker Hall for a suspicious character report. The suspicious character was a white male wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt riding a skateboard. I arrived at approximately 0151 hours on the south side of Shocker Hall and walked down the south steps towards the courtyard. Officer Andrew Abbey was on scene talking with an individual fitting the suspicions character description, see Officer Abbey's report. I spoke with the individual later identified as Tyler Micol Dane Kuhn. Kuhn's eyes were glassy and his pupils were large. Kuhn's hands were shaking and he seemed confused. Kuhn wasn't able to
November 26th, 2004, and there is a sea of burnt orange everywhere at Darrell K
When I joined the military, I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. It is one of the main reasons why I decided to join the Reserves and not Active duty. The other main reason was because I knew the Reserves would still pay for college while I was only active one weekend a month. Growing up in Killeen, Texas – I was right beside one of the largest Army post which is Fort Hood. I had a lot of friends whose parents were in the military, and two distant cousins who were also in the service. All I knew, (or thought I knew) was they had good money.
I never would think about showing an animal. I decided to go wild and show a steer my junior year, I did not think about showing an animal so big before but it was worth the wild. I knew it would be hard work, dedication and responsibility. I worked so hard to get where I wanted that steer and it sure did pay off. Being successful is something that someone feels when they work for something that they tried so hard on and then succeeded in it. Success is the way I felt when I was getting ready for the show while I was standing to be called in my class and how I felt when I got out of the show ring.
With the slip of a hand, my friend was falling to the ground. I grabbed onto her, right before my head hit the mat with a crack. The room was spinning as blackness took over my eyesight. I got up on my feet, tripping as I ran to the next spot to throw another girl into the air. We needed to keep practicing, and I was giving my best effort to do so. My head was pounding, and I realized I couldn’t keep going. I didn’t want to hurt someone if I couldn’t catch them because of how I was feeling.
Something that interests me is volleyball! I love volleyball and I play volleyball for my school and I play club volleyball for the NKJV club! I play with all of my friends and we have so much making cheers and nicknames!Were all getting ready for the game! We are getting dressed, doing our hair, putting our knee pads on and our gym shoes! When we're done we start stretching. We are running, and stretching our legs and arms. Then we practice serving, passing, hitting (spiking), and setting! We are all stretched and ready for the game to start! In the corner of my eye I see a blue ugly jersey with the name Blessed Sacrament on it! “Oh no!” I shout. The ref raises his voice and says,”C’mon everyone, let's start the game.” “Ok” my coaches exclaim.
I believe in having responsibility for my actions for the rest of my life. Responsibility can earn me a ton of things, such as money and treats. If I do an action or sometimes help my mother with an action, I gain a dollar or two or my mom gives me a treat, like Sweet Frog’s. In this case, I wouldn’t mind being responsible because it involves something that I care about dearly.
Ada had married my grandfather David in a Melbourne suburban church in April 1934 aged twenty-one. By May 1935 she gave birth to their first child Hannah. Ada wrote the brief note above in November 1936 pregnant with her second child. The style and tone of this letter indicate Ada was at ease with her life talking of the warm weather, her fruitful garden, and good health. It gave little hint of the events that would occur in a few short weeks that radically changed our family’s life. This is a personal family narrative which traces Ada’s life and her absence from our family that had begun long before I was born. It maps my personal journey and the processes of discovery motivated by trying to understand what happened to Ada, why she did not live with my grandfather Pop and why we saw her so infrequently.
The darkness consumed my cousin, but not completely. A part of me did not want to believe that she committed a mass murder and maybe, just maybe it was someone else. But the proof that the police needed was all there. We weren’t that close but it pained me to know that someone who i thought to be as a kind and caring person could kill people.
I was in 8th grade, but I walked out that high school gym with my shoulders back and head high like I was the big man on campus. My confidence went through the roof. In one day I had gone from extreme anger with my parents. Then I experienced terror as my parents drove me to the high school. Surprisingly this turned around to confidence and pure excitement for the years to come.
Then the 134 arrived. I got on, showed my pass to the bus driver and
Music may be the universal language, but those of us who spend our lives with it are expected to know it in depth, from early on. Many composers, whether traditional or experimental, have been steeped in Western classical music from the cradle. That was not the case with me.