
Personal Narrative Essay : My First Basketball Team

Decent Essays

One rainy night in November, I arrived to the church gym for my first basketball practice of the season. As I walked in the doors creaked and you could smell the gym floor. As I already heard the basketballs hitting the ground, bouncing up and down. My friends Brittany and Destiny walked in right behind me through the door. That was when we realized we were the only girls surrounded by all guys. As practice came to a start we began to run, it felt like we were never going to stop. Up and down the court as we ran suicides, you could hear the squeaking of shoes as we went from the next line back and then on to the next. Before we started scrimmaging, the two captains were boys. Brittany, Destiny, and I stood in amazement as we were the last three standing there. You could see by their expressions they didn’t want any of us on either team. You could see them mumble, “Do we have to pick them”. We finally were out on teams and ready to finish practice. My team put me in a position that they never had to pass me the ball and I wasn’t in the way. So, I just went along with the practice not knowing at the time how this would be something shown throughout the whole season. As the practice came to an end we huddled together, and talked about the next practice and our first game on Saturday. As we left you could hear the boys talking. Saying things like, “Why are they on our team?”, and “They are going to make us lose”. We just kept going to our cars and went home. Thursday rolled

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