
Personal Narrative Essay On Bonny's Truth

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Manny’s Truth be told
So allow me to be honest here, my life changed not a bit throughout my childhood. I grew up with a single mother of two children, most of the time. My father was an addict, and if he wasn’t strung out and abusive towards my mother, he was in jail or in a program. That continued for the extent of my childhood, and not a thing changed for me that reminds me now of a life changing situation. However, what I will say is that those many years of trials and tribulations definitely lead to the single most life changing experience of my teenage life. It wasn’t until the days of high school when I thought I was invincible that my life came crashing down at an instance with no hope of having another chance and the stark realization that I may become what everyone said I would become during my childhood, and that’s nothing. Soon though, I was able to show I was capable of succeeding and did not give up on myself because that single mother of two never gave up on me.
I grew up with just one other sibling, an older sister, by the name of Keishla and our mother, Marangelly. Dad, Angel, …show more content…

And so my prayers were answered, the hearing judge found no validity behind the accusations made against me and allowed me to return to school the following Monday! This one event truly moved changed my life, from that day forward when I returned to school I chose to mature and think before I took action against anything. I went on to graduate with my high school diploma and certificate in Manufacturing Technology. After high school I went on to work in my trade full time, attend college, and play football at the next level. Although there have been bumpy roads since, I have not allowed myself to be the person I was and have gradually progressed in life positively. Truth be told, if it was not for that one event that had taken place in my life, I may not have been able to be here today to tell my

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