
Psy/230 Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

Final Project Personal Narrative

September 23, 2012
Rehema Underwood

Final Project Personal Narrative
I would have to say looing back over the last five years my life has developed in to exactly what I have always wanted it to be. After going through a nasty divorce about eight years ago I went on a path of self destruction. I started drinking heavily and using drugs and a way to numb the pain I was going through. Finally after doing a few things that I’m really not proud of I had a wake up call. I got in to some legal trouble which opened my eyes to all the things I may have lost if I continued living my life that way. I then decided it was time to make some changes, I went back to school and obtained my G.E.D. and then …show more content…

My parents sat me down and went over with me again the family values that they wanted to instill in my sibling and myself. They brought back our religious beliefs that we have also grown up with and we may not chose to live our life by all the ways of the Catholic faith but to live a humble and honest life is what my parents have wanted for us. I do feel that even though I may not go to church every Sunday, I do believe in the ways of the lord now. I have asked for forgiveness and try to make sure that I live the type of life that makes god and my family proud of me.
I can truly say I would not change any choices or experiences that I have had in my life. I take every experience as a learning experiences and I do believe each and every one has made me the person I am today. When I got my divorce although the single life started out rocky I did find my independence again. I took the time to find out all things I wanted out of life and how I was not settling for anything less. They choices I made during this time made me value family a whole lot more. It brought me closer to my Children and made me appreciate them more also. My life experiences have taught me who I want to become and how I plan on getting there. Going back to college at the age of 39 as scary as it was has been on of the greatest experiences that I have done. I know that I am one step closer in becoming a sexual assault support counselor and making a positive difference in

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