
Personal Narrative Essay : Perfect Grades In High School

Decent Essays

Growing up, achieving near perfect grades in school quickly became my utmost priority. I excelled in nearly every subject, particularly math, all throughout elementary, middle, and most of high school; however, this year, my senior year, I had experienced what I’ve always considered to be my absolute worst nightmare: receiving a low test grade in a math class. I’ll never forget that morning. When I arrived to school, the brisk air immediately shook me from my sleepy state as I strutted towards the school entrance. Once I stepped foot in Clover Hill, my mission became to find out the results of my latest calculus test with the hopes that I at least earned a B. The closer I came to my teacher’s Cav Morning classroom, the more anxious I became; my stomach twisted and turned like a cart on a roller coaster. Finally, I approached the classroom and timidly stepped into the room, capturing the attention of my calculus teacher, Mrs. Rose. “Good morning, Kellen! Ready to see your grade?” She had asked, her cheery voice and eager facial expressions leading me to believe that I had done well. Despite that possibility, I simply nodded, still too anxious to even speak. Mrs. Rose glanced around the room to see if anyone needed help on anything before uttering, “Let’s take this into the hallway.” My heart nearly stopped. She grasped my test papers and led me into the locker pod located right outside the room. My palms began to sweat, for I knew this grade would either build or

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