
Personal Narrative Essay: Why Did It Happened?

Decent Essays

Have you ever realized that everything was going to be fine and normal until it happened?

First, I got a horse to crow hop. It all happened in 7th grade at the barn in the arena. I was ready to walk Samson around to get used to obstacles and poles with all of the brown/orange dirt on the ground as we waited at the entrance. Samson was a very hairy beast with a white coat. I walked around the arena with him 1 or 2 times. After I was done walking around the walls in the barn, Christina got a stepping stool for me to get on Samson instead of being lifted up. I put one leg into the stirrup as I held my reins tight so he won’t walk off and swung my leg over to get the other foot into the stirrup. As soon as I got on Samson near the fence, he started to kick and buck with me being on him. I held the reins as tight as I could to get a good grip and tried to sit in the saddle from falling off the horse. Soon, Christina told me to get off Samson. I did just that as I swung my leg over the saddle and landed on the dirt. …show more content…

To my surprise he didn’t kick or buck. I told him to walk on and he took some massive footsteps making some huge footprints in the dirt. I started with my original routine which was to listen to Christina and do what she tells me. After my lesson was done, I got off Samson, pulled my stirrups up, and pull my reins down from his neck. I walked him to the entrance of the door and told him “Woah” and he stopped. I told him to “Walk on” and he moved forward. As I turned him around to get on the mat, I got him to stop and I put the cross ties around his harness while Christina took the bridle off of his head. I took the saddle, pads, and girth off of Samson and brushed him really good wear the equipment was. I told Christina “Thanks for the lesson”. She said “You're welcome” I put my helmet up and walked towards the gate to get out. I will remember the day when Samson started to crow

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