
Personal Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

Ianto is back in the archives, up to section L. There has been a hit and run; Gwen recognized the name on the police scanner. She spent the better part of an hour convincing Jack that the accident might have something to do with an energy pattern Toshiko was watching yesterday. Ianto listens to them bicker, barely hiding his amusement. But Jack finally gave in when he realized that she would never let it go. So, instead of fighting, he suggested a doughnut run on the way. As he left, Jack shot Ianto a questioning look, silently asking if he would like to come along. Ianto responded in kind, begging off with a mock scowl, happy to avoid Owen’s complaints during the ride. Also, he was afraid that someone might notice the intermittent blush that …show more content…

I have a field assignment for you.”

“Field assignment, Sir?”

He looks toward the entrance, hearing boot falls coming closer.

“Owen and Gwen are driving me crazy, bickering like an old married couple. There’s nothing extraterrestrial about this that I can see. After spending a few hours with them, I am actually looking forward to paperwork.”

“Well, most of that is not particularly surprising.”

“So… I want you to go with them to the kid’s house. I figure it’s a fair trade, I gave you some solitude this morning, now I need a break from them.”

“What? Why are they even going to his home?”

“To speak with is mother, Gwen set it up. Her heart’s in the right place, but she has got to drop the PC thing. I’m sending Owen with her as punishment for being a twat all morning. And I need someone there to make sure they don’t kill each other. Gwen’s gonna spend all her time with the Mother. On the off chance that there is any useful evidence, I need someone to actually look around.”

“Can’t Owen do …show more content…

We going to this kid’s place or wot?”

Owen’s voice in Jack’s earpiece makes them break apart, breathing fast.

“Owen is none to happy about this excursion.”

“You heard that, huh?”

“Are you really sending me with them? That might constitute torture.”

“I want for you to be more comfortable in the field.”

“So do I, but Gwen and Owen? Can’t you come along to keep me company?”

“I’m afraid that we would both be too distracted to actually accomplish anything. Unless you fancy a little road head on the way?”

Shocked, Ianto gasps, drawing Jack’s attention back to his mouth. Staring at Ianto’s swollen lips, licking his own, Jack activates his comm,

“Ianto’s kindly reminded me of an urgent conference call, so I won’t be coming along I’m afraid. But he’ll be up in a minute to take my place.”

Ianto silently mouths ‘Bastard’, trying to glare at Jack, knowing that he is too lusty to pull it off.

“Fine! But tell tea-boy to hurry, and that I’m driving!”


“I promise that you’ll survive. He’s not that bad a driver, just a little fast.”

Sighing heavily, Ianto resigns himself to his fate.

“At least it’s not Gwen, she rides the brakes, it makes me

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