
Personal Narrative Fiction

Decent Essays

"Take her away she's worthless if you want her have her." my "father" says drunkenly. They take me away as I am kicking and screaming and crying. My heart jumps as I wake up realizing it was a memory. I look around noticing the the hard concrete walls and floors, the smell of mildew and the medal bars, made me realize I am in a cell now. At least I am away from the monster who took me. I heard people coming down so I layed down and closed my eyes listening to there conversation. " Alpha says she's special and she'll help us with the humans and vampires." Man 1 said. " How can she be that special she looks like all of his other fuck toys." Man 2 said. I almost cried when I realized they were their so I stayed silent after a while I fell asleep. Next thing I know I am wakeing up to a crusial pain every where did someone hit me I wounder next thing I know theirs a blood curdiling scream coming from me. I see multipple people come running down the stairs just stareing at me. Their "Alpha"( Whatever that means) comes down stairs and just stares at me and whisppers it's finally happening he laughs and yells …show more content…

I was so annoyed that I shook the bars and they fell I walked upstairs hearing music blaring so I follow it and break the door with a tap. I see the light and it doesn't bother me hmm I guess they evolved since last time. When everyone see's me they look at me shockingly I mean look at me why wouldn't they. I walk around untill I realize god i'm hungry I walk up to a big guy he looks yummy. I jump on his head and suck the blood out of his neck. When I am done I hear Aslyinn and I think who's Aslyinn. The guy who said that rediculous name pulls my arm and I turn towards him "what do you want wolf." I yell at him annoyed. "Aslyinn are you okay." again with that name. " Who the fuck is Aslyinn dog." I yell mare annoyed. Next thing we know the windows shadder and blood is flying. I just

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