
Personal Narrative: Gabriela

Satisfactory Essays

You’ll be excited to read about one girl who are very rare, who have rare tastes, and sometimes is very crazy with the things that she express and say so they had better prepare.
My is Gabriela, in english means you have a great love of nature and out of doors; In spanish means God force. It’s represent a little of my story, my attitude, and my personality; so if I have the opportunity of change my name with all the security I would say no, never in my life. I sthe way that my parents they chose for me and God allowed them, and I believe that if my parents agree this name is because God already had it prepared for me specifically.
I’m mexican, I live like fourteen years in a town called Ixmiquilpan, is an a hour behind of the capital of Hidalgo, that is Pachuca de Soto. Now I live in Laredo, Texas with my cousins and my uncles. I’m a freshman and I study in United High School.
My favorite color is the black and the golden, the black means associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery; the golden means associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom; This colors represent my personality because I’m very vain with myself, and I always need to be elegance.
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If I have the opportunity of have a class the next semester of a class of a lot exercise I would say sure I agree because I really needed and I wanted to feel comfort another

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