
Personal Narrative: Glenbrook South High School

Decent Essays

When I entered Glenbrook South High School for my first day of freshman year, I was not excited to be back in school and I was definitely not ready to learn again. I remember the first class I had was English. As I sat in English, I recognized some people from middle school, but most of the faces were new to me. The teacher, I forgot her name, was very nice and welcoming. She asked us to pull out our “Of Mice And Men” books and asked someone to read the first page out loud. One of the students began to read out loud, and I followed along. After the first page was completed, she asked for a volunteer to summarize the page. No one volunteered so she picked from the attendance sheet. She picked me. I got nervous because I had no clue what was …show more content…

As I was sitting in English once again, a man with a nice black suit and black tie came into the room and asked to speak to me. I went out into the hall with him. He introduced himself to me, “Hi Emily! I am Mr. B, it is nice to meet you”. I just nodded and smiled while feeling clueless as to why he wanted to speak to me. “A few of your teachers have come to me and said that they feel you might need some help with your classes and understanding the work. How are your classes so far?”. Because it was only the second day of school, I had to think. “They are alright so far. But, yeah I do have some trouble understanding what I’m reading”. We talked for a few more minutes about my learning abilities until he asked me to grab my backpack and took me to an office where a woman sat at a desk. I did not have to introduce myself; She already knew who I was. “Hi Emily, I’m Ms. Smith, it is nice to meet you!”. I sat down on a chair in her office while Mr. B sat in the other one next to me. They asked me if it would be alright if they gave me an IEP test. “What’s an IEP test?” I asked. “An IEP is an Individualized Educational Plan that helps a student with a disability. Those with an IEP get special instructions and services” Ms. Smith answered my question. They said they think I needed to be tested for it. I told them I would take the test, and a few days later the results came in. I needed an IEP and was put into a resource class right

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