
Personal Narrative: Glendora Dick

Decent Essays

Later that night Rudy and gotten hold of Glendora Dick and we rendezvoused in the San Gabriel Valley town of Pasadena outside of Los Angeles a halfway point from both parties. Dick drove up in a fire engine red Porsche 911 Turbo and introduced himself. We decided to drive up in the hills will park overlooking the city that would be quiet for a meeting. Danny took out some pot and I rolled us joints to start the negotiations with. I mapped out our plan and the discussions went well enough for us to start dealing. Dick took out some blow and we tested on the hood of his Porsche and it was outstanding. Dick’s partner was his brother and his friends that live North of San Diego and had a boat that they made runs down the Mexican Baja coast to meet …show more content…

I was so tired weeks of speed and Coke and working paying those houses that I had passed out for the whole trip across the US. A few minutes later the plane hit the runway with a spine jarring landing and I was now in Florida. I grabbed my bag and baggage claim and out of the corner of my eye I see an old friend. What’s ya no good in his southern drawl, it was Scott reaching out grabbing my suitcase. Have you had breakfast yet and I replied no I’m ready for some coffee got just the place. We loaded in his Plymouth and drove to some greasy spoon off the edge of the airport talking all the way. We sat down ordered breakfast and after the coffee came he pulled out a black anchor chief rolled up in his pocket gave it to me. Inside were three huge joints and I looked up and said is this it and he responded there is more that came from. After breakfast we checked in at the Holiday Inn on the north side not far from the airport. I had enough money on me to stay for a week more than enough time to get our shipment in and sell it. Do you have the buyers ready I asked Scott he replied Doug was working on that and that we will go over to see him after I had settled in? So were you living now what are you doing that you left Fayetteville I inquired. I am driving trucks and living with a guy named Sal and his girlfriend on the north side. He is an owner operator, slang I guess for truck driver. That is the ticket to get your class 1 license to drive trucks when an idea came to mind. Yeah instead of shipping is stuff in Greyhound buses we could load up one of those big trucks, Scott interrupted tractor-trailer is the term, oh I said. Well that tractor-trailer, how much can a hall, 40,000 pounds Scott replied. Fuck that’s 20 tons we would be rich overnight with a load like that, exactly said

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