
Personal Narrative: Growing Up In A New School

Decent Essays

“How is your new school, hows school going for you?” These questions were asked maybe twice a week by old friends and new classmates. My response was the same each time “school is easy, it's like sitting at the dinner table eating dinner,but the table is burning up because you're basically in hell. This was my answer to those questions for the first months of school. Imagine this, growing up in a city for your entire life. Developing long term friendships with different individuals, and getting to know your teachers on a personal level.Moving from a very diverse place, with different cultures and kinds of people. Then you move to an unfamiliar place where everything is different, you're the minority and it's your senior year. Everyone already …show more content…

During this time, I began to notice, that this wasn't me, nor my personality. I felt like I was just existing. I never wanted to just exist. So I began to step out of my comfort zone by talking to new people and just putting myself out there more then I was used to.
Powder puff football was approaching, and I debated on doing it. After discussing the pro’s and cons of signing up to myself, the positive outweighed the negative. Game day comes and I vow to be my absolute self and nothing less. I approached the field with one goal in mind “Get two touchdowns”. I did just that. The team and I cheered together. Some of the girls were shocked, majority happy and excited about the great new athlete they have at their school. From that point on I felt like I was apart, and I began to find myself again.
I found out that moving was absolutely a hard pill to swallow, but by trying to fit in, engaging in new activities, and simply being yourself, the experience won't be terrible. Despite the new environment, and a change of scenery a person can adjust well. Moving taught me a lot about myself. It taught me that I was outgoing, and understanding. The thing I learned about myself most was that I

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