A car is a important part ot most peopele it a way of transportaion but it also a way to learn something new how does a car work. I always wanted to lean about cars they are so cool to lea about. I know not everyone thnks about a car the ame way and bc it the first thing that popped up in my head. I wonder about all the technoly that invoded a car with it everything that make it run esay and good. I also wonder about how things can be waterproff. With all this new expinsive techonlogy getting water on it is the last thing you want to do to it. Having waterproff iteams is a good thing to because if it expnsive it would cost so much to fix or buy a new one. They even have waterproff cases r other iteams that could help with protecting ur things
During our first run Taylor and I noticed that the car was turning way to the left. So in order to fix this we started our car as far to the right of the track as possible. After our first trials we realized that we needed to fix our string. We needed to cut the string we had attached off of our car and make a new one. When we made a new one me made it a little bit longer than the car and only hot glued it to the hook, not to the frame. Our new string had a loop in the end of it so we could put that on the toothpick. So now we understood that the toothpick did have a real purpose and we couldn’t glue the string to the mousetrap. After we made these changes we ran our car three more times.
I was time traveling to 1969 where all the good cars where i went back to the place where they were I time traveled to to California where all the cars were i thought I would be nicer than now
Marijuana is a popular and universal drug. It is easily accessible to most people and is the number one illicit drug used in North America. Although the availability and knowledge of this drug is fairly equal for all people in North America, marijuana tends to be more prevalent in teenagers and young adults. Maisto, Galizio, and Conners (2004) reported that "use of marijuana [in young people] was 8.0% among those aged 12-17; 16% among those aged 18-25," as compared to "6.8% among those aged 26-34; and 2.4% among those 35 and older." People of all ages, races, and religions use marijuana and have their own reasons to use it. Young people first try marijuana because of some common reasons. Some teenagers feel pressured by their peers to
In conclusion, my 1st car was a bust traveling 9.8 cm/s, my 2nd car did pretty well traveling 35.86 cm/s, but wasn’t built very well and lastly my 3rd car was the most successful, traveling 50.16 cm/s. Over the time that I worked on this project my skills really did advance. In the beginning, I was clueless and now, with the materials, I could make another car in a day. I learned a lot from trial and error.
Two years ago i was with my friend and his dad raced down at peoria speedway, and right after we unloaded the car he has a hauler so you can get on top of it. We heard commotion behind us and there was two white cars pulled up and two girls got out of the cars and they started fighting like pulling out their hair. I thought that it was hilarious probably 10 minutes into the fight the girl gets back in her car and tries to run the girl over. The girl that almost got ran over she punched a hole in the driver's side window and tries to pull her out. So the cops get there and both girls are in their own car and the officer is talking to the girl in the car behind the first car while she is talking to her the first girl spins her tires and she drives
One of the most important events that happened in my life was just recently, and that was buying my second car. This thought process was in the making for quite a while, considering that I was getting tired of taking my silver Hyundai Elantra in the garage every four months for repairs. For that reason, it made sense that it was time for a new car or a used one, I did not care which all I cared about was that it had to be a manual transmission. In addition, the fact that I outright hate going car shopping, I put it off and off until this past January. Since my mom had surgery that month, she was home and could go car shopping for me, well searching on the computer shopping. Since she was doing that, I did not have to worry about it and she knew what I wanted for a car.
At sixteen, I received my first job, and by the age of seventeen, I purchased my first car. While the car was only worth about $200.00, I gave the seller $1200.00. Along with overpaying, the car did not have a title of ownership. When I first purchased this car, I had the understanding with the seller that the vehicle had a salvage title, but only a bill of sell was given with the car. However, this was still not my worst experience with this automobile. From the inside to the outside, to under the hood, and even on paper, this car was an illegally procured nightmare.
I had sweet and sour chicken. There were 4 people in front of me. the wait was short. I had sweet and sour chicken with crab rangoon and sauce on top and rice it cost $6. The cart was small but spacious. service was good the wait was short it. The smell was mouth watering. Taste was delicious.
Tires squealing, smoke streaming across the ground, and motors revving against the silent night. Two incomparable cars lined up against each other along a desolate stretch of roadway. The scent of burning rubber singed the night air, while the glare of the headlights lit the path that would soon become a motor warzone. I was sitting at the wheel of my car with my head sticking out of the window, gazing at the stars, and cringing my face at the rotten stench of my opponent's car. My adversary shouted at me, asking if I am ready to start this race or if I was afraid of losing to him. A silent smirk spread across my face, and forcing back laughter at his comment, I raised my thumb up in the air. I got back in my seat, and buckled my seatbelt, because if I was going to risk my life, I might as well be safe about it. I revved up
I had a strange, ominous feeling before anyone one else in my family. My sister, Larissa, began driving with a permit a few weeks ago. The sensation that typically arose when she took control behind the wheel resembled the feeling one experiences during a test drive with an unsafe and unfamiliar car. Being a passenger as she was steering was like being on a slippery road of ice where any slight, sudden movement caused a sharp jolt of the entire car. My mom, Rita, was constantly panicking over Larissa’s safety. As a child, my mom acted caring and slightly overprotective, but I just assumed it was her maternal instinct. Lately, she had been acting extremely nervous because my dad was teaching Larissa how to drive, but he isn’t a professional or anything. My father, Louis, was certain his lessons would suffice. He continually practiced with Larissa, for he is a very determined person. Besides
In life we go through many changes and for that instance it is the same situation with my car. During the 1 year that I had my car many things stayed the same, however some changes have been made. Some of the changes were major and some were minor. I take a really good care of my car and throughout my experience with my car I think it looks really good. I have spent a lot of money on it but it was worth it. This is my project car so there is a lot of progress already done to the way I want it to look and perform, but still far away from being fully done.
My car is a 1989 Honda Accord. It is a tan color that is chipped and needs a wax. The inside is a maroon vinyl that is faded from the sun exposure. The driver's door is dented from a kid hitting it with their bike. All corners of the bumpers are scratched. The driver door handle is also on its last leg. I have replaced half of whats under the hood already this year alone. It has no power steering that has built up my arm strength. Just like all thongs with age it squeaks as I drive that I tune out by turning up the radio. The radio can't be played about 19 or it just sounds like a person talking underwater. The air conditioning onlu works for the drivers, which is fine for me but none of my friends will ride with me because of this plus all
One phrase I never understood while growing up was “your life is in your own hands”. To be fair, I never put much thought into this phrase, as I was used to being taken care of. I took for granted that I would wake up happy every day because I didn’t know any different. Life wasn’t always easy but I had a good attitude towards it.
When I turned sixteen, my parents and I went looking for a car for me. We looked all over the town of Austin, MN. Until, we pulled up to Southwest Sales. While we were driving around the Southwest Sales lot, I found that car I wanted. This car was a maroon 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse. When I saw the car I told my mom “That is the one I want.”
I got my dog almost one year ago. We got him on november second 2014. Me and my sister had begged our parents to get us a dog but they kept saying no. THe day that we ended up getting him my parents just said that we were going camping. They said we were going camping in a cabin a few miles from Bend Oregon.