
Personal Narrative: How Abortion Changed My Life

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The way things unfolded with Shay made me realize that I didn't really know her. What person in their right mind would give advice to a teenager on abortion without thinking that the child had something up their sleeve? I wasn't sure that I would ever be able to forgive her. Imani could have lost her life, I still can't wrap my mind around how she thought that was what I would have wanted. Of course I didn't want her to be a teen mother but I would've never given her information about abortions no matter who she said it was for. That entire situation reminds me of what happened when my mother talked me into getting an abortion.
I still think about the child that Trevor and I could have been parents to. What would it look like? Would it have …show more content…

It's deeper than the abortion, I think about how my life would've been different if I would've went to another college, or how my life would be if I would've never met Shay at the party that evening. Should've, Could've, would haves were eating me alive and I couldn't stop focusing on the past I realized that I had to accept it and move on.
I was amazed at how a lot of positive thinking turned my life around. The reality of it all is that I'm a single, black, educated female, living in the heart of the city. I knew that there were many opportunities waiting for me here in Miami. I just had to get busy looking for jobs. The same day that I made my mind up to be a better me, I turned the television off and set up my laptop on the table in the kitchen. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but I knew that I would make the most money if I searched for teaching jobs.
After logging on to one site, I registered as a new user and uploaded my resume. Within the hour I had several emails from potential employers about setting up interviews. In the middle of replying to the emails, Shay called. I wasn't surprised because she's been blowing my phone up and I haven't been answering her calls. Maybe she'll get the picture sooner or later. I'll talk to her when I feel like the time is right and now is not it. If she knew what was good for her she'd give me some …show more content…

When he called me with the news, I wanted to shout out, “Thank you Jesus,” but I didn't. I acted like I was sorry to hear his bad news but deep down I was celebrating. I planned on talking to him for at least three or four hours, because we had a lot of catching up to do. In the midst of our fourth hour on the phone, my mother beeped in. I started not to take her call but something told me to click over and boy was I glad that I did.
She and Lester were back together. As a matter of fact he was in the process of moving all of his stuff out of my room and back into the master bedroom now. This was turning out to be a great day and I called Mark back to tell him the good news. The only thing that I wasn't looking forward to was going to get the remainder of my things from Shay's house. I still had my key and debated on if I should go late at night when she was working. Or if I should be a big girl and call to set up a time to get my things.
I wanted to sneak in at night while she was working but Francisco and Mark insisted that I call her and set up a time to go get my things. I hated that I listened to them the moment she answered my

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