
Personal Narrative: How Cancer Changed My Life

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After a while of sitting in my grandparents living room mindlessly playing with my toys I decided to get up. I walked towards the commotion going on in the small hallway connecting the living room to the kitchen. The gathering of people consisted of my mom, dad, grandpa, and grandma. Curious about what was going on I walked over to the group. I reached my mom and looked up to see that her eyes were bloodshot, as if she had been crying. I looked over to my dad and his face, like everyone else's, was grim. During this time I kept hearing one repeating word, cancer. I started to listen more closely to the conversation going on around me because even at the age of seven I knew that cancer was bad news. I listened intently and heard my mom explain how she had colon cancer. …show more content…

During those six months she went through twelve treatments. I saw my young, energetic, happy mother lose weight and be fatigued. Thankfully, after a year of battling she came out on top and beat cancer. Now, nine years later she is cancer free and healthier than

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