
Personal Narrative: How High School Has Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Saying that high school has shaped me into who I am today is an understatement. As expected, freshman year was challenging, but I could not have expected graduating high school with five AP classes under my belt and a GPA above 4.0. As a freshman not knowing what my purpose was in life, I struggled to find motivation to get my work done. I was truly blessed to have my supportive sister in my lunch period in which we would meet up in the library every day to study together. While I used both my study hall and lunch periods to do work, I noticed that I ended up still having an excessive amount of work left to do at home, compared to what I had grown accustomed to in middle school.
Additionally, not having any classes with my close friends made …show more content…

I felt as though my absence would go unnoticed. The constant thought of catastrophe striking was always on my mind. I didn’t feel safe anywhere. Not at school. Not in public. Not even in the comfort of my own home.
On November 29, 2014, I made a decision that would change my life forever. Before I entered the ambulance, my pastor visited me at the emergency room, a request made by my loving family. I admitted that I no longer felt God’s presence and love. I felt lost and unloved. It was three in the morning, and my pastor who I had only known for two years, was sitting in the chair next to me as I laid in the hospital bed. Ending up at a mental hospital an hour away from my home, I realized the impact my actions had on my family and closest friends.
Two weeks later I was released, greeted by my parents and sister on the other side of the secured metal doors. Running into their arms, I cried, feeling as though I had disappointed them. With Christmas coming up, I asked if we could turn on the radio to listen to the Christmas music since I hadn’t heard any yet this season. In response to my request, my dad turned the radio to 101.1, turned around, and admitted that none of them had listened to Christmas music yet that year because they felt as though it wasn’t Christmas without me. His innocent words sent a shock through my body; such a celebrated time of the year was put on hold …show more content…

As Donovan’s “big teacher” in the classroom, I worked 1:1 with him three days a week for 45 minutes. Quickly, the tables turned. He was the teacher; I was the student. Donovan, a three-year-old boy with hearing aids, inspired me to pursue a career in Speech-Language Pathology. Additionally, I became the co-leader of the Good Friends Club, a club that emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining relationships with all students, regardless of their intellectual differences. To this day, I have maintained numerous friendships with students from all four grades who I may have otherwise not met if it wasn’t for my interaction with them through the Good Friends

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