
How I Got My Name Essay

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In the 90’s life consisted of watching tv shows like Saved By the Bell, Full House, Seinfeld, and Boy Meets World. All of which still play on tv today. Everyone was listening to Backstreet Boys, Alice in Chains, and who wouldn’t listen to Nirvana. The shoe style was weird and the clothes were different. Then in the late, late 90’s (so like ‘99) I was born. But there was something very different about how I was born as well as how I got my name. When I was growing up for some reason I thought my name came from the name of cities in different states. Madison, Wisconsin, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Savannah, Georgia. But that wasn’t the reason that Madison Savanna Cheyenne was my name. I always wondered out of five kids, at the time me being the youngest of my dad’s kids, why I was the only one with two middle names, or even why Savanna Cheyenne. What was so special about me that I had this name? So ,me being one to always have to get to the bottom of …show more content…

Three different stories as to how I got my name and nobody would back the other person’s story up at all. My parents both went around the fact that my grandma Linda didn’t want me named Savanna. But then when I go to the source it was completely different. So I put the pieces together. I was named Madison, because I looked like a Madison. I got my two middle names because my grandma didn’t want my name the same as cities or a girl scout cookie. But my dad wanted me to at least have Savanna Cheyenne in my name. So back to what my dad had once told me “When you were born there was a big argument about you being named Savanna Cheyenne, so you went 24 hours nameless until one day the nurse Joe, looked at you and said ‘you look more like a Madison then a Savanna’, that’s when I said ‘I don’t care what your first name is just as long as you have Savanna Cheyenne in your nam.’ So we put Madison together with Savanna Cheyenne and we got Madison Savanna Cheyenne and that is how you got your full

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