
Personal Narrative: I M Playing Call Of Duty

Satisfactory Essays

“Pew” “pew” I heard through my headset I was sitting on the couch i'm playing call of duty. My friend calls me and asks if I wanna go to the park with him I Declined. I say i'm playing call of duty my friend yells through the phone the only thing you do is waste your time playing cod. It hit me like a brick I don't live in the moment I waste my time I don't use it wisely I only look at a screen and use a controler. I think to myself I need to start using my time wisely. Using your time wisely is important, Time is something that you can't get back once you used it is gone.I once never used my time wisely i would slack around doing nothing but play video games and watch netflix. Instead of going out with my friends and family.Sometime i would

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