
Personal Narrative-It's Time To Put One Off Balance

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In 1946, after the West retired its bared fangs to become a domicile of plenty, a proverb of its former glory appeared in California Folklore Quarterly: “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” With the hardships of unrelenting wilderness all but absent, the proverb should have gone with it, yet this proverb remains because no one will ever surpass all challenges. As a child, far too young to truly understand the brutal context, I came across this proverb while reading over my grandmother’s shoulder. However, throughout my life, it would intrude into my mind at opportune moments. The first time my subconscious interjected this proverb, I was a hundred feet upstream and two hundred feet too far to the right, directly above of the “Jaws” of Mule Creek Canyon on the Lower Rogue. This mental interjection seemed incited by the epiphany that preceded it: if I did not will my cramped arms and blistered hands to heave this 600 pound boat two hundred feet to the left in the …show more content…

When applied to more mundane situations, the introduction of challenging ideas and new perspectives should put one off balance as one synthesizes and comes to understand what may be a contradiction to one’s core beliefs. Consequently, when my close friend, Jonah, came to school wearing a red hat embroidered with four white words that represented hate to so many, including myself, I knew I would have to thoughtfully confront this previously unknown side of my friend. Paradoxically, when confronting Jonah it became easier to see his point of view as he became more impassioned. Jonah was not hateful, he was concerned for the future just like me. With our mutual understanding and perseverance, we were able to become closer as friends and most importantly, our jarringly different perspective allows for the purposeful synthesis of two opposing

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