1. Kiesta Glancing at the clock on my table, I sigh. Even though I’m supposed to be studying for that history test on Friday, my thoughts keep returning to that one subject. Jobs. My best friend, Ryzel Demaris, and I are detectives while in 10th grade, but with school work still going on, it’s not an easy job. However, it does help that our powers are useful in this field of work, mine being able to use telekinesis and freeze inanimate objects in space and time and his being able to heal or help an organism after analyzing what is wrong with them. Suddenly, my phone rings. I check the caller’s ID, Officer Lien, and quickly answer. “Hello, sir?” “Kiesta, you have a case. Missing person Pernia Smizzel, aged 38. Search the …show more content…
I feel myself warming up with the essence of power as it flows through my body. My eyes are already changing into gold. I slowly raise my arms on opposite sides on me and stop when they are parallel with the floor. My hands start glowing blue. The center of me filled to the brim with power suddenly explodes and I feel everything in me rush out like adrenaline. The house is immediately frozen within time and space. Nothing will move or change unless I want it to. All pieces of evidence are technically unable to be damaged. Unless it is living, of …show more content…
Pernia was related to my parents? What does this mean? Mom was accused of an outrageous crime that she would never do, no matter what. Murder. She had worked as a secretary for Mr. Malmory. He was the CEO, president, and founder of a small, yet honorable and profitable company that wasn’t well known. But one day, somehow, he died in a fire that started in his office building. Unfortunately, there was evidence leading towards Mom. False evidence. She still went to jail and was trialed. And found guilty. Three weeks after my 11th birthday, she died. Dad and I grew apart after that. We just drowned in our sorrows, too far away to help each other up. And just two months after Mom’s death, Dad went. “Suicide” they called it. It was murder. No matter how desperate or depressed he was, Dad would never kill himself. He wouldn’t leave his only child behind, letting them slowly die by themselves from the pain. Dad would never. So what does Pernia have to do with any of that? Why did she die, after five years? There’s only one way to find out. I open the door and come face to face with Ryzel. “Zel, we’re going to look for clues. In the old, burnt
Do you have a bestfriend that feels just like a sister? My bestfriend is McKenah Kloes, her personality makes you smile everyday and we have the most crazy memories. Even know she loves to goof around she’s very intelligent.
My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me.... He was running at my side, out of breath, at the end of his strength, at his wit’s end. I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his only support.”
Lizzie Borden is a very known serial killer but not by killing plenty of people, but only killing her father and stepmother. Along with her time period, the late 1800’s, it was very unknown for women to be killers and were seen as the “weaker sex”, which is also one of the reasons why Mrs. Borden was so popular for this case. But how do you get away with a murder of your parents? Lizzie Borden was born on July 19th, 1860 in Fall River, Massachusetts. First born, Emma Borden, was very prepared at age of 6 to have a baby sister (Alice) and teach her how to love and would protect her from anything.
The sunrise starts to make its present known through the black bandit mask of night, its yellow belly and flashes of warm reddish brown brighten the sky as the morning first light.
As a kid I only got to see my dad on the weekends and those were the best days I had, I never understood why I couldn't live with my father full time because my mom never lived a stable life. My mother wasn’t as bad as it seems, she always made sure we had food and somewhere to stay even if it wasn't the greatest, even living with my mom my dad still paid for almost everything I had. When I was about 8 years old I lived in Mccomb and it was my dads weekend and I was so excited to get off of school and go see him, When I got home I was shocked to find everything packed up and my mom told me to get in the car, I was so upset to find out that me, my two brother, and her and her boyfriend were off to Florida. The whole trip to Florida I balled my eyes out and all I remember was that I kept saying that I wanted to live with my dad and that I hated my mom, I wondered how she could just up and leave without telling my
It was late one day in June, and the sky was as blue and clear as sparkling wine. I sat back in my hammock reading the book Unbroken enjoying myself, and my uncle came up and asked me if I wanted to play poker with him, 5$ buy in. I jumped at the idea finished my page and went inside the house. Poker is a pretty big thing in my family and I’ve grown up playing and my uncle was one of the best, so spending time with him playing poker is always one of my favorite things to do. We proceed to set up the table, “Texas Holdem“ he says, Jacks to open”. Nothing weird, so we get the game going and the pots getting pretty big when all of the sudden he drops his cards. I stare the cards dead in the eye and see that i'm going to surpass him! He looks
As much as I would love for my father to be alive at this very moment, I have learned so much from that experience and I don’t know where I would be without it. This experience has made me a better person in general and has given me the ability to appreciate everyone else for who they are. No matter what goes on in their lives. I believe that I am on this earth for one reason; and that reason is to make others feel like they have meaning in their lives. I strive to continue my father’s legacy by living by caring for others before myself. I try to relate and feel the sympathy for everyone else that has pain and hardship going on in their lives give them the respect they deserve. This is the impression my father has made on me, and the legacy he has left
truth that the monster was talking about killing her, not him. These tragic events prove that death
Something in my stomach was telling me I would not see him. I did not tell anyone this though just in case I was wrong. But I was right I always have a way of knowing these things. He heard a knock on the door. A feeling of relief washed over everyone except me. The person at the door was the only policeman in town and Frank the town leader. My mom could not keep it together. It is a hard sight to see when your mom is sad. The person you look up to when you are a kid is crying. That can mess a 6 year old kid up. The time that would take place next went from 0 to 100 so fast. We cremated my dad's body and moved. My mom picked texas because it had good schools. We did not have any family though and sometimes I felt as if that was a bad decision. My mother would not tell me how my dad died until I was 16. Not living without a dad can be hard. When it is at the crucial age of 6. You need a good role model. My brother became my dad if he liked it or not. Everything that happened in my life seemed like a blurr. The fact my dad was dead never really hit me. But it hit me so hard and so fast. It was like a brick wall. I started almost failing my classes, sleeping all the time, eating a lot, not exercising, moping all the time. I still suffer from it today. Back then though I wanted to die. But it is so much better. I learned that I held my mom accountable and my dad for
I chose this picture of my sisters because it is my favorite one. I am on the far left, my little sister, Karrie, is in the middle, and my older sister, Kassie, is on the far right. This picture just seems like another picture of sisters but we are so much more, we are best friends. We are all so different but all so alike. We all go by shortened names, Kassie is Kasandra, Katie is short for Katelyn, and Karrie is short for Karrington. We have age gaps of six years in between Kassie and I, and four years in between Karrie and I. Not to mention how different we all look. I got the naturally curly hair from my dad, Karrie has the dark brown hair from my mom, and Kassie got the blond hair from her dad. Yes, Kassie has a different dad but we have never made a big deal about it
I think that my family realized that I had crossed the threshold between childhoods when I began to form my own opinions. This first took hold when I took part in poverty stimulation at my local shelter. I was giving a character and a story behind the card I was given; the story made me become emotionally attached to this name I had been assigned and the family in which I came from. The experience made me question the prejudice of the society I was living in. How many times had I avoided eye contact with the people on the side of the road begging for money? I began a long journey of soul searching and questioning the beliefs my parents had raised me on. My thoughts were continually brought back to a book by C.S Lewis, it was called Out of the Silent Planet; a character named Weston believed that individual human lives don’t matter, they must be sacrificed to save mankind.
Dad was gone. I don't know how me and mom are going to get over the fact that he is dead. I'm starting to cheer up but that's just because of John. “The farm looks really good” said John. Thanks, me and mom worked really hard to keep it up and going while you all were gone. It was hard.” Mom is taking his death very hard” he said. “Yeah she is, Bub i miss dad alot” I said.” Look at me, you need to stay strong, your are the only one holding us all together right now Mary.”he said. I cried on his shoulder for a good long while until mom called for supper and we raced to the
Kammi Kolanko is my mother and hero. She is 37 years old and works at a school as a substitute teacher in the Norwin Elementary School. She also lives in a house on 1180 Pinewood Road Irwin PA 15642. She helps me with my homework and makes sure I have everything ready for school in the morning each day. She also makes sure I have a good packed lunch for every day in school. She is a person who is an amazingly good and fast cook. She wants us, her kids, to not become selfish. She also wants us to lead productive lives. She hopes we can be kind people when we grow up.
The moment I realized that my dad was not going to be in my life was when I wrote him “that letter.” My dad had went to jail, and at that time I still fought for my relationship with my dad. In the letter I basically informed him that everything was going to be alright. God was going to bring him out of every situation, and many more words of encouragement. Our relationship had been somewhat okay, I visited him in jail and of course you know how things go with certain people. They tell you that whenever they get out, they’re going to be a better person, he’s going to continuously be a part of me and my brothers lives. So what do you think happened? That shit never happened. I think that’s what had hurt the most. Because I literally gave so much into that letter, and for you to continuously lie to me and tell me that you’re going to do something and you don’t is pretty fucked up. Because even when people were beginning to give up on him, I was the only one being positive and trying to give him a chance and be there for him. I just don’t understand how you can just look someone in the face and feed them all this bullshit and then you don’t make the effort to make anything happen. But I guess that’s why it’s called
Perhaps if she hadn't been deprived of any sort of sexual satisfaction in the last several weeks, and maybe if he wouldn't have worked his mouth so well on her aching pussy, Karmen would have still kept her cool and her mouth shut, but given the circumstances, the singer was at his mercy instead. Maybe a harder slap across her ass would have helped her, but after her taunting comment and the spank issued supposedly to punish her, all that followed was unadulterated pleasure which urged her to become more vocal. And if earlier she had just mocked him, now as her eyes were focused on him, she enjoyed the sight indeed; it was inexplicably erotic to watch him eat her out so eagerly. Now, if only more men would focus on a woman's needs like this in their time and age, it would be perfect.