
Personal Narrative: Middletown High School

Decent Essays

Before i came to Middletown High I went to a small catholic school called Holy Cross. I Started there in the 5th grade and graduated with my class in 8th. I had the best of times at that school. The students and faculty welcomed me to the school and in their community with open arms just as the people at Middletown High. I have so many fond memories from my time at Holy Cross but one will stay in my memory forever. It all started when i was in the 6th grade at my friend Maddy’s Birthday Pool Party at the pool. We were all having a blast swimming , singing, and playing volleyball. Well not much of the swimming on my part of the fun. at the time i was not the strongest swimmer. I would only stand up in the pool until my chin touched the water. Which was pretty cool since i was one of the tallest girls at the party. I was still having fun with my friends just not going swimming. My friends Maddy and Dani went in the pool first then Maleah and Logan joined them. Eventually the …show more content…

everything happened so quickly i saw my life flash before my eyes. it was the end for me but i still could not stop trying to get to the top but i kept going back under. the lifeguard on duty didn’t even pay me any mind, none of the adults with their children helped and my friends were so far they did not even know what was happening. My life was over then i felt a tug on my arm. What i saw wasn’t “the light”, it was the face of the woman who saved me. I do not quite remember what her name was or what she looked like but i do remember her helping me onto the concrete surface surrounding the pool. Thank goodness no medical attention was required By the time i was out my friends had come back and we continued with the party.
The whole situation has changed me for the better.Before this incident i was not big on swimming but now i am. i will not let that happen to me a second time. Today, I am a better swimmer.I also learned not to be alone in a

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