
Personal Narrative: Moving To Italy

Satisfactory Essays

I am Erika Fabbri, and I come from Italy. I moved to Texas just a bit over a year ago to follow my husband who serves in the military.
I have a garden where I am growing my Italian vegetables, but I am finding that the plants suffer with the extreme Texas heat. I have tomatoes, basil, zucchini, cucumbers, rosemary, peppermint, peppers, beans, sage, lemon grass, onions, ginger, and so on. In North Italy, in my town called Vicenza, recycling is a law. I lived in the country, surrounded by fields and farms. My family always spent time outside, walking in the fields, going to the lake, beach, or mountain. All of our products came from the surrounding farms, so the milk was fresh, the eggs were from healthy chickens, and the meat was packed right

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