
Personal Narrative: My Certified Field Navigator

Decent Essays

Wednesday, Today was a slow but productive day. My supervisor Jim Hornsby scheduled me for a class in order to be a certified field navigator. A field navigator is another word for case management. The class was held about a few hundred yards from CTLC. The class started at eight o’clock, I was the fist to arrive. When I sat down in the classroom I found myself reflecting on how much I have accomplish just this year alone. In the middle of my reflection I head a loud bang at the door, so I went to investigate and there was the rest of the student. They all came in like a pack, everyone knew everyone except me. I didn’t mind though because I figured if I knew thn I could probably cause a distraction for me while in class. Long who the pack of people about ten total, the instructor …show more content…

To me my instructor a a social worker type spirit, she had long hair, she was soft spoken and had a very bright and genuine attitude. I greeted her with he biggest smile and most passive voice I could possible find within myself. She greeted me back an asked the class to sit down in there seats. There were three main subject that the teacher spoke on which were SNAP benefits, WIC and health insurance. I was very excited to learn about SNAP benefits because that’s something that I know I ill use at my practicum. In temple Texas hundred o people suffer from hunger and most of the victims are children. SO I knew that this was a area that I had to pay close attention to. Not that WIC and health insurance wasn’t just as important but I jus felt as though SNAP was something that I should do my best at understanding. During the class we had tree fifteen-minute breaks, during those breaks I took advantage of the time and started networking with the other students. Only because the student that were in the class with me are also other social work intern, but they attend Baylor

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