
Personal Narrative: My Daughter Of Elmer Tyson And Sheila Rhymes-Tyson

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Recently, I added more family connected to my father’s side. I would like to take the time to introduce myself to some may not know about me. I’m the daughter of Elmer Tyson and Sheila Rhymes-Tyson. I was born on June 26, 1981, the youngest out of many half-siblings. My father was step-father to my brother, Delano and my late sister Angela.

On May 14, 1987, my father passed away. When I was a child, my mother tells me used to be in touch with his side family it stopped after he passed away. The details about what happened too difficult to write.

I started a family, researching into genealogy last year. I found distant cousins through trees and Ancestry DNA. Jaguanana reached out to me on Ancestry our DNA predicted us 1st-2nd cousins by

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