
Personal Narrative: My Experience With Soccer

Decent Essays

assigned a project to be done on Prezi or Powerpoint, I would always make it creative by adding things that wasn’t required in the assignment, or have some visuals and transitions to express action and movement. Another creative experience I’ve had was when my friend and I built a Projectile Launcher for a Physics Project where I built the launcher with a shoe box, duct-tape, and a plastic pipes. In the box, I built an extra slot which was an ammunition storage, so we didn’t have to worry about carrying the ammunition around and losing it because it was a small as a battery. This creativity was efficient so that losing or becoming disqualified for not having ammunition on the due date, wouldn’t be a factor in this project.
Being creative doesn’t …show more content…

I have played soccer throughout my life, started off not knowing or even have any interest in to soccer to something I love doing most. Soccer has always been apart of my life, everything I do, I would think of soccer and how to become an even better player over time. My skill just didn’t come to me or was given when I was born, I worked and trained hard each day to be able to achieve the “skill” I have currently. Another talent I have is being able to solve and visualize a mathematical problem or equation without the use of pen and paper. For example, if the teacher was to ask a question about graphing or something to do with solving and equation, I quickly do it in my head just in case the teacher calls on me. Even though if I do it wrong, it gives me confident to speak out and not be afraid of my answer, which makes the teacher think that I tried but didn’t get it correct. This talent has attached with me since eighth grade and ever since, I’ve always been confident in answer a mathematical question regardless of the difficulty. Although this talent is common, I am proud of the ability to solve mathematical equation and graph in my head, but I can’t do those that takes half a sheet of paper to solve. My last talent is being able to hear extremely well, which means that if somebody is walking behind me or whispering near me, I can hear what's going on. For example, I can hear hear if somebody is …show more content…

I have played soccer throughout my life, but started off not knowing or having any interest in the sport, to something I actually enjoy doing the most. The sport has always been apart of my life and my journey to success, I would always visualize and think of soccer and how to become an even better player over the course of time. My skill was not natural or was not given to me at birth, I worked and trained consistently to be able to achieve my goal of being the best player I can possibly be. Having this skill not only gives me the recognition in the sport community, but I have learned to communicate with others, meet new people regardless of who they are, interact with the real world, and how sports is more than just a competitively played game. When I go out with my friends or practice alone in the park or on the soccer field, I would always have the urge to ‘show-off’ my skill to a certain extent and not excessively boast; which means I am very proud of my hard work and how it can pay off the more I practice. I have also learned that winning is not everything about soccer and any other sport, winning is just for happiness. In the long-term, as long as I have fun and enjoy the intensity on the field with my teammates, happiness will come naturally. During many games of soccer, I have developed what any sport requires, it is confidence. I cannot play soccer with a low self-esteem on

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