
Personal Narrative : My Favorite Memories

Decent Essays

Throughout my years in school, I would watch in awe as my teachers stood in front of the class with a sense of confidence and ease. The older I became, the more I realized how much educators did in order to make sure that the students in their classrooms succeeded. Even when I was not at school, I sometimes got an inside perspective of the life of an educator from my aunt, who is a first grade teacher. I would hear all about the lessons that she planned and some of the experiences that she has had as an educator. As she spoke about her experiences, I could genuinely tell how much she enjoyed expanding the minds of her students. As I grew older, I recognized how much I enjoyed being with and helping children, whether it was one of my peers or the children whom I babysat. One of my favorite memories is of babysitting a child who was struggling with her history homework. I sat down with her, re-read the question aloud and walked her through the chapter in her book to find the answer. The moment she found the answer in the book her face lit up. That is one of the many reasons that I want to be an educator. I love seeing the excitement of a child who was once struggling when he or she finally reads a word that was challenging, or figures out the answer to a difficult mathematical question.

Since I can remember, I have dedicated my non-school time to working with children in different settings. My first real experience was in my early teen years when I started babysitting.

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