
Personal Narrative: My Fight For Recovery

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For years I struggled with addiction. And even today I still have the continuous gnawing in the back of my mind, attempting to draw me back, I have to continuously remind myself of the destruction it will lead me into. I am constantly tempted with the thought , " You can control it, just a couple drinks and be done it like normal people." However, as painful as it is to admit- out of pride, I am not "normal" in that sense. While I have failed miserably in the past, I have found some wisdom that has allowed me to continue on in the fight for recovery. Liked below are the four things we pursue as human being in an attempt to fill the deep angst in our bones for out of this life. As an addict I can say the failure in these areas led me to greater substance abuse to numb or help ignore that these things were not doing what I taught by society they would do.

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I got involved in kickboxing, martial arts, and snowboarding. I joined the U.S. Army, deployed, and travelled thousands of miles throughout all of Iraq during one of the bloodiest years in that war. Once I got out I had a beautiful wife and three strapping young boys, I made a substantial amount of income, and a beautiful home. However, there was this angst inside of me screaming for more that I always tried to chase away with some form of substance, but to no avail was that void filled. A better version of you will truly never satisfy. You will always be your biggest critic and this is the lie that society rings from the bell

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