
Personal Narrative: My First Day In High School

Decent Essays

On my first day of my freshman year of high school, I walked through the big double doors into the foyer with my classmates surrounding me, as we were all eager to begin our high school career. High school for me was a drastic change. Every student was given a MacBook Air Laptop, during our orientation period before entering as freshmen. I was at first extremely excited to be able to have our own laptops that we could use at any time, instead of using the computer labs. That alone eliminated the struggle of lugging multiple books from class to class. We were told that most books and assignments would be given out electronically and everything would be submitted online. To me this came as a surprise, because I spent the past 6 years in school going to the computer labs that we had in our elementary and middle schools. As I entered my first class, I was unsure what to expect now that we were given the responsibility of having our own laptops to use during the class period. When I sat down at the desk, my instinct was telling me to pull out my notebook from my backpack and …show more content…

We no longer live in the moment, instead we look directly at a device to see what is happening in the world. This stuck out to me when I entered high school, because we no longer used traditional resources, such as textbooks, notebooks, or pencils, and we began to just use one tool; a laptop. I think that with technology comes positive and negative factors, which influenced my learning while in high school. For one, I learned to become tech savvy in many different areas. I began to learn different formatting in writing, including M.L.A. and A.P.A., which I later used during college. Technology in education systems allow students to broaden their spectrum of learning and truly open their eyes to what is possible for generations to come. The more advanced we become in technology, the more our society will continue to progress into higher

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