
Personal Narrative: My First Experience At Heart Surgery

Decent Essays

About two years ago all my uncles, aunts, and cousins from my country came to visit my grandma. I have a pretty big family so when they all get together it’s like a concert, very crowded with a lot of noise but always exciting. My grandma had never been so happy to see all of us together. Although, she did complain a little about a little chest pain she was feeling that evening. We just thought it was a type of pain that goes away in a couple hours or the morning she wakes up. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. The next morning it got worse. It started to cause her shortness of breath. The best idea was to take her to her primary care doctor. After her normal checkup, her doctor told my dad she had to be rushed to the emergency room as soon …show more content…

My grandma was rushed into surgery. We were all really terrified and shocked because we didn’t know how the surgery would end up going. The only thing we were sure of was that the surgery would be very long and dangerous. Three hours later and she was still in surgery, there were no new updates. I couldn’t even think straight, I tried to take her number one advice and think positive about this whole situation. Minutes later, we saw a surgeon coming towards us; the look on his face didn’t seem very satisfying. The surgeon told us that the whole reason she had this heart attack was because of her smoking habits. He also said she was in danger because of the amount of blood she was losing during the surgery. Hearing that was heartbreaking. It’s not a great feeling knowing your grandma was going through so much pain and we couldn’t do anything about it. There was only one thing we all could do, pray. An hour later, I saw the same surgeon walking towards us but this time he seemed way much happier. He told us, “Your patient is now done with the surgery. Everything turned out perfect and you guys may go see her in a bit.” After waiting for a while, even though it seemed like forever. I finally got to see my grandma again. The moment she saw us, she looked at us with a smile and said “I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle this, but I tried to think positive all along.” She remained positive even after her being in so much pain. A week later, we finally got to

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