
Personal Narrative: My First Experience Of Driving

Decent Essays

I was scared. I would have rather been on my two feet, than riding on the two wheels beneath me. Alongside me my brother held me up and pushed the bike and the boy along. He was all the training wheels I had and all the training too. The rusty maroon sixteen inch bike soon carried me over the field lanes of my parents' dairy farm without any assistance. Games of cops and robbers quickly followed, instead of using the brakes normally I dragged my feet on the ground. I soon joined my brothers in bike races and pop-a-wheely contests. This was my first experience driving, if you will allow me to call it that. As for many children of my generation, driving was a natural part of life for me as a kid, there were twice a week trips to a town half …show more content…

The seat was adjusted so I could manipulate the pedals, and I was left to navigate the levers, pedals and field lane alone. Terrified, I drove to the field where my brother took over for me. After a year or more of infrequent driving I was assigned to rake. Back and forth, around and around the field I went. I started off slowly, stopping at the beginning of each windrow and carefully lowering the rake. After the first field, the driving was forgotten and my mind wandered. I thought of other places, other times, of ideas and those that live them out. The end of the field approached; downshift, pick up the rake, turn hard, well not that hard, line up the tractor and rake to the next windrow and lower the rake, and away I went into a few more minutes of monotony and …show more content…

One August Tuesday the driving test came; I suceeded, but blind spots made it uncomfortably close. I received a reward in the leeway this gave me as I went to and from youth group. Instead of being dropped off early and picked up late due to my parents awkward schedule, I was free. Later that week I drove to a homeschool cross country team for a practice. All through the season, I drove to and from practices and races. When drove I could have taken the direct route home, but I choose a scenic route. Winding over the back country road had a sort of therapeutic impact on me; sometimes I choose to stop on a hill overlooking a town and

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