
Personal Narrative: My First Jazz Concert

Decent Essays

It was a normal Saturday morning in Eureka. Rachel had just gotten out of bed and was eating breakfast. She ate her doughnuts leisurely, as she had plenty of time until she had to leave. She was very excited because the 50th Anniversary Gala performance was coming up quickly. Many long days and late nights were put in to perfect her dancing. As Rachel got her leotard and tights on, she said to herself (I will put it in properly later), “You will do great in the big show. Just keep working hard.” She did her hair, gathered up the necessary things, and was out the door, confident and ready. The car ride was just like any other car ride to ballet. She switched through radio stations, trying to find a song she liked. After almost thirty minutes of this, she had arrived at ballet. Rachel …show more content…

Rachel had a sandwich, Daphne had a salad, Shannyn had soup from Panera, and Hope had Goldfish and applesauce. Jazz class was just twenty-five minutes away, so the girls had to eat quickly. As they ate, conversations floated around the table. “That was a fun class,” Daphne said quietly. “I liked it. It wasn’t too hard or too easy,” Shannyn added. The time for jazz slowly approached. The girls grabbed their jazz shoes and made their way into the jazz studio. Jazz class was just like any other ordinary class. The teacher, Miss Kennedy, had the girls do a warm-up, which consisted of push-ups, jumping jacks, crunches, and other cardio. After everyone finished, the girls were allowed to get a drink. It wasn’t a long drink break, because there was a great deal of work to do. Rachel got a solo in a dance they were working on. The class, even though it was only an hour long, felt like hours. The girls were dismissed for rehearsal, which was in a few minutes. Rachel and her friends got their pointe shoes on and grabbed their skirts. Slowly, everyone got into rehearsal. It took ten minutes for everyone to come into the studio. After a pep talk from

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