
Personal Narrative: My First Vacation In Arizona

Satisfactory Essays

I'd call my first vacation to be scorpion stings, sunburns, and a heck of a great time. I would also call Arizona a paradise. My week there was by far one of the best vacations I'd ever taken, and was probably up there with my family's trip to Disneyland! Sure, there were a lot of things that happened that any Utah-raised boy would think to be scary or even just unnatural, but all in all, Arizona was fantastic! The first day in Arizona was a day of discoveries. I found I hate long car rides with my family. We have a small little Hyundai Sonata that can barely fit all five of us. After my patience was tried and tested several times, I was rewarded with our destination. After about an hour of window-watching, I came to a very drastic conclusion.

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