
Personal Narrative: My First Week In Haiti

Satisfactory Essays

As I stepped off the plane I thought to myself; Am I really about to step off the plane into the poorest country? Was I prepared for a week in Haiti? Looking back Haiti challenged me more than I have ever been challenged before; physically, mentally, and emotionally.
The goal of the week was to build a home for a family who lost their home during the earthquake. With the lack of technological advances we had limited tools to help ease the physical demand. Looking back the most physically challenging day was concrete day, where the concrete needed to be carried up and down the hill in pails. After lifting the fifth pale of concrete onto my shoulder my body became numb. The floor was less than half filled with concrete and as I looked up at the hill ____. …show more content…

Walking around Haiti I came to a hut where two families lived. The mother held the smallest baby I had ever seen, and before I knew it she was placed in my hands. Tears came streaming down my face, as this baby was already displaying signs of malnutrition. I grabbed all of the Enfamil bottles from my backpack and handed them to the mother as a smile came across her face.
Every challenge encountered became worth it when the family looked at their new home with tears of joy streaming down their faces. I thought I had been challenged in Haiti, but I realized my challenges were nothing in comparison to the daily challenges of the people of Haiti. Haiti was a series of challenges all strung together to create an experience like no

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