
Reconstructing Haiti Essay

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After the initial chaos caused by the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, the international community needs to set priorities in the reconstruction of Haiti. The first step, that is already taking place, is to create emergency teams to rescue trapped people, clear debris and restore water and sanitation to prevent the spread of diseases. The second step should be focused on the alleviation of the country’s debt with international financial institutions and the promotion of direct access to credit. Only by solving the financial problem, will the country be able to reconstruct its economy and reduce its high unemployment rates. The third step involves international cooperation in the fields of agriculture, health, social development and the …show more content…

The second step should be focused on the alleviation of the country’s debt with international financial institutions and the promotion of direct access to credit. Only by solving the financial problem, will the country be able to reconstruct its economy and reduce its high unemployment rates. The third step involves international cooperation in the fields of agriculture, health, social development and the strengthening of institutions. This way, it will be essential to provide even the most basic resources and knowledge due to the fact that everything is starting from scratch. This final step will take decades to be accomplished and for that same reason will demand a great effort of the United Nations and other multilateral organizations. Besides those measures led by multilateral institutions, several initiatives taken by individual countries will surely contribute to accelerate the process of reconstruction. Brazil, for instance, is cooperating with Haiti in school lunch programs, the promotion of sports, the production and use of ethanol fuel produced from sugar cane and a vaccination campaign. However, the most important thing in this reconstruction process is to learn from past mistakes. By doing that, it will be possible to avoid all the wrong choices that were made in the country’s history.
After the initial chaos

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