
Personal Narrative: My Grandma Lynn

Satisfactory Essays

“When I was alive, everything my grandmother did was bad. But an odd thing happened when she arrived in her rented limo that day, opened up out house, and braged in. She was, in all her obnoxious finery, dragging the light back in.” (100) It was the day of my memorial and my Grandma Lynn had came a few days before it. My grandma is the queen of fashion so she made sure everyone in my family was going to look their absolute best for my memorial. I love my family so much, that it just brings me pain to have to see them so depressed. I am glad that my grandma can bring some light back into their dark world. I just want them to know that I am with them always, even though they can not see me. I am happy that my grandma was able to lighten up the

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