
Personal Narrative: My Hero

Satisfactory Essays

The person I admire is someone who is confident,, and has a very strong character. Even though she might not be a firefighter, a doctor, police officer, teacher or maybe even a superhero, she is a powerful woman. This woman might not look like much but to me she is everything and that person is my really good friend who I consider a sister, Destiny Figueroa. I believe even though that me and Destiny might have our ups and downs it will never change how much I love and care for her. Even though though she is only fifteen, Destiny shows all the characteristics of being a woman because she is smart, confident, loving, caring, and most of all independent. Even though I just met her formally last summer, I feel that she is an older sister to me because she helps me out so much whether she realizes it or not. Destiny has such a great personality and no matter what she never gives up on anything and that’s what I like about her the most and that’s what I think is phenomenal. She has told me many things that she has gone through throughout her life and I just wonder how she got through it all. …show more content…

She has taught me how to respect, how to be independent, and how to ignore the people who think of you in negative ways because their not worth your attention. Destiny has taught me how to be a fighter and not a quitter and how to not let the people who talk about you in bad ways to faze you. I know Destiny as a person who works hard, who doesn’t depend on other people, who is confident of herself no matter what people say, and who is a loving and caring person even though sometimes she may not show it. This woman has taught me a lot during my life whether she realizes it or not, I love her because of who she is. To me she is not only beautiful but, in addition to that

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