
Personal Narrative: My Ideal Honors College

Decent Essays

A rain forest possesses a great deal of knowledge, awaiting someone hungry enough to act upon their desire to feast. A university acts much in this way, creating a diverse haven to learn and develop. However, there are many niches within a rain forest; many areas in which one can develop their knowledge of a particular subject matter. A college acts in this manner, establishing an environment in which one can refine their passions. Also within the rain forest exist areas in which distinct species can communicate, socialize, and live in harmony. In this way, an honors college supports student growth by showing students how knowledge in the field is discovered, developed, evaluated, compared, and applied. A course within my ideal honors college will celebrate the diversity of the students who participate in the class, support the interests of each student, and challenge the limits of the traditional classroom. …show more content…

Academic quality and diversity have a strong connection, as the learning experience of students is enhanced by the interactions with others from different backgrounds. My ideal honors course is inclusive and supportive, inviting participation from any and every student who is ready to learn and apply themselves in the course. Although these participants are individually distinctive and at variance, relative to their peers outside of the honors community, they possess a stronger academic performance record, more ambitious learning goals, and a large capacity for and eagerness to work. These mature students keep an open mind due to their shared interest and dedication to the course. Diversity in the classroom helps students think independently

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