
Personal Narrative: My Life After Growing Up

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Growing up there was no worries, no troubles, just a happy family. When i was between the age of seven and eight my parents had divorced and things got rough with my mom and I. House payment, water, lights, and food was a lot to pay for with one income. My mom started dating around. My dad had found one woman who I didn't like. Mom and I had moved six blocks away from the house I grew up in. By the time we had fully moved into the rental house. While living there my brother ended up moving back in with us due to a break up as well. By the beginning of sixth grade year we had moved in with my moms boyfriend at the time. He had lived in a new school district. New school, new house, new neighborhood, new friends, and new me. It was a lot …show more content…

There were bumps in the road but they seemed to smooth out over time and sometimes reappear, or so we thought. The past year or two has been non stop fighting between my mom and her now ex boyfriend. I begged her to stay long enough so I could graduate. After I would graduate we would find our own place. Well that didn't go as planned. We moved out and stayed with a good friend, and my best friend for about six months. They were wonderful. But it got time for us to get out on our own, and that's exactly what we did. I got online and started looking for places in our budget. I found a couple but they wouldn't allow our dog or it was only one bedroom. I found one house, 4 bedrooms, it was rent to own but it was in our price range and we kept after this house, until we got a call back. When we did we both were so excited we were in tears. We struggled a lot here lately. Its pretty stressful. I'm going to school part time and working full time. Trying to fix up the house to the requirements needed to keep the house set by the fire department. They gave us two months to get a list of things fixed, we did what we could and they were impressed with what has been done. When they came back for the second inspection they gave us 6 months to get more stuff done since we've done a lot in two

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