
Personal Narrative: My Life In Venezuela

Satisfactory Essays

In this assignment, the instructor Ms. Cross assigned us to do a virtual collage describing ourselves and our lives. In other words, to build a collage that depicts our self-concent. According to S. Verderber, Sellnow, and F. Verderber (2015), self-concept bases on “…the interpretations we make about our personal experiencesand how other react and respond to us”. (p.19.). In this collage I relate my personal experiences from when I lived in Venezuela,to my hobbies, my personality, my relationships, and my ambitions. On the first slide I portraited the place where I was born, which is Venezuela. I lived in Vneezuela my whole life until I graduated from High School in 2015, then I moved to Houston with my family from my mom’s side. Leaving

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