
Reflection In The Photo-Cultural-Ecological Journey

Decent Essays

Write a brief reflection on the activity (no more than 3 pages). What did you learn about yourself and others? What implications might this have on your own classroom practice?

In the “Photo-Cultural-Ecological Journey” activity I learned that everyone is shaped and molded occurring to their experiences in life. I was able to perceive that regardless of how good or bad your experiences were, it serves as a life map and provides a picture of where you once were and where you are headed. The five pictures I choose to present identify personal perspective in my life. It categorized and acknowledged different parts and milestones in my life, where a lesson was learned in every step of the way. In my poster, I started with a picture of the …show more content…

They are my main motivation, the reason why I want to be successful in life. With them I learned that everybody is different and should be given equal opportunity to excel in life. With my son I learned that being a special education child means nothing but extra support and dedication and that children should be treated as individuals in their different stages of learning, so they can discover their capabilities and express their own opinion and ideas in which ever ways appeal to them easily. My daughter is just independent, very outgoing and needs very little to no support in school. That is also fine. After struggling with the department of education and guiding my son through the right path, I decided to become a paraprofessional for children with special needs. I absolutely love my job. Being able to help other children by accommodating their needs is a true blessing. Providing children with the tools necessary so they can accomplish given goals and expectations according to their specific needs makes me feel like a successful assistance. I have learned to be patient, understandable and resourceful for both children and families in my classroom. Last but not least I identified myself with a picture swimming with the dolphins. That picture represents how you can truly overcome your fears if you set goals in life. Besides trying to accomplish being the best mother I can be and educating myself to be better for me and help

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