
Personal Narrative: My Marching Band Experience In High School

Satisfactory Essays

In the fifth grade, I was introduced to my district's band program. The moment I was shown the instruments and allowed to take one home has changed me over the years. I along with the other students, my peers and friends, experienced the trouble of learning a brand new thing, an instrument. I was given the task of just playing one note and holding it for a certain duration. For the next few days the tasks assigned to me increased in difficulty, as well as how I should structure my schedule around practicing my instrument and school work. Then, from fifth to sixth grade my middle school experience separated the wheat from the chaff. This small transition of just one year showed a willingness or commitment to what I and my peers, my friends …show more content…

To be honest the previous three years of my marching band experience in high school was only a small part of a larger whole. All the way back in the fifth grade when I picked out my instrument and made the choice to learn how it works, to accept the help of others along the way and to assume responsibility for it and other scholarly activities is just the beginning of what got me to where I am. Next came the middle school experience with increased difficulty of lessons and technique as well as the camaraderie between teachers and friends, the same comradery that brought us all together in high school and kept us together to work on, an at the time, an impossible feat. To be honest, the simple fact that not one action or moment defines my experience to this day will also define my experience in the future. Just as i have received help from various sources to get to where I am, I also count on you, the staff of Midwestern University, to help and guide me through any and all fields of study I

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