
Personal Narrative : My Miracle From God

Satisfactory Essays

My Miracle from God

It was January 18, 2009. The day I had to get an emergency C-section, I was 37 weeks pregnant and the doctors found out I had a condition called preeclampsia, which had turned into eclampsia. I was quite sick and the only cure for eclampsia is to deliver the baby. My beautiful baby boy Isaiah was born on January 18, 2009. He was six pounds, eleven ounces and nineteen inches long. He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. All was well, my doctor said that Isaiah was healthy and that he was going to be just fine. It was the perfect day, but what I didn’t know was my son was in for the fight of his life, he was sick and no one would believe me.
Three days later Isaiah and I were released from Women’s and Children’s Hospital, my husband Shawn, and his mother Ann drove us home from the hospital. When we reached the house all my family was there to meet Isaiah. My father and mother Scott and Debbie, My grandfather and grandmother Harold and Juanita and my brother Davie and his wife Sherry and their three children. Everyone was so thrilled to see and hold Isaiah. As it got later everyone decided to leave and allow us to rest, however my mother Debbie stayed behind to help me with Isaiah.
One week had gone by and Isaiah wasn’t sleeping well at all, my mother Debbie was only supposed to stay one night, but she stayed to assist us for the week. Mother was exhausted so she went home after seven days. Three weeks had gone by and Isaiah was getting worse, he

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