My personal memoir is going to be about when I moved here in Homedale, Idaho. When I was 6 I moved to Homedale and I was going to start 2nd Grade. When I got dropped off by my parents I went to the playground. When I was young I used to never speak to anyone because I was so shy and scared. When I got there a kid named Oscar came up to me and asked me what is your name, for a few seconds I stood there saying nothing and finally I said my name Osue. There were one of his friends that I remember, there was Antonio, but that wasn’t the first time I have seen Antonio because the house we moved into I went outside threw rocks and so did he but when I backed up and went forward etc. he copied me. I When we went I she Ms. Garrett was welcoming us
Losing someone who is close to you, usually happens to everyone. The difference between people when this situation occurs is how you live after it has happen. My six word memoir was “looking up and hoping you’re there”. My aunt unexpectedly passed away last year in April. No one really understood and to be honest, I still don’t understand why this would happen. I got called up to the office, and my mom picked up my brother and I. She was taking us to the hospital to see her. I didn’t know what state she was in. Then we were brought to the Critical care unit, my heart sunk because I knew this wasn’t good. I prayed and prayed to God that it this wasn't true. By the time we got there, she was considered brain dead. A little background with my
My dad was born on April 23rd and that date always brings fond memories. When April comes I always find myself thinking first of him and then my mom who was born at the end of May. I sure miss them both. As the years roll on and I think back it really boggles my mind to think that my parents had to leave everything behind when they fled their homeland Latvia during WWII. They started up a new life in New York City as most likely none of you have ever had to do literally from scratch. They had no furniture, no belonging only the things they had with them from the DP or Displaced Persons Camp in Germany.
My six word memoir is about my significant other. I wrote my memoir about her, because not only does she make me super happy. She also has been a really big help over the past few months. Over the recent months she’s helped me get job interviews, and she’s helped me get my life set back on track. She’s also been one of few people that actually hung out with me over the summer. That, and honestly she makes me so happy by honestly doing
In grade school, my teacher scribbled on my paper in bold red ink, “Great story! You should be an author. Do you know what that is?” My dream to write a Memoir was born.
I was in the car with my family heading towards the lake to go fishing. The car ride was long and boring. Half through the car ride we stopped at a gas station so we could get some gas. After we got gas we went back on the road and I fell asleep through the other half of the car ride.
When I was 20 months old my partner in crime was born. Kensey Kaitlyn McKee was born March 7, 2002, and little did I know my life would be changed forever. I was not an only child anymore I now had a little sister who needed all the attention. Once Kensey was old enough to walk and talk that’s when we really started to have fun. We once got in trouble for wiping diaper rash cream all over our walls and mirrors, it was a disaster but I’m sure we were having the time of our lives. Another time we put our new kitten in a cooler in 100 degree weather for hours, and then finally one of us remembered where we had put her luckily the cat was just fine. We always had so much fun. I feel so bad for my parents at one point they had two toddler
The saying goes, “there are moments in life that can either make or break us.” There was a critical time in my life where that quote really came into play. While other regular fourteen-year-olds were worrying about school, clothes, etc.; I was facing a much more pressing matter. Fighting between the line of life and death with cancer.
I was not always so outspoken and driven to get good grades. Freshman year I was timid, struggled with my grades, and had no idea what the future looked like. Now, I have found exactly what I want to do for the rest of my life and became much more confident then I was freshman year. Along the way I have even made a decision to switch schools. I have transformed a lot along the way from freshman and sophomore year at Portsmouth High School and finishing off at Rogers High School.
For my memoir I shall look back onto my past and the life lesions I have learned. Through simple things I have found in my life and the trails I have endured. To the earliest memories I have, to a not so proud moment caused by anger and regret.
The thing I wrote about my six word memoir is a computer. I was 7 years old when I first saw this technological innovation by that time. It affected me really strong because I never seen anything like that. The idea that you can watch movies, play games and even find needed information excited me. I wanted it really badly, so asked my parents for it. After not a long time I got it. It felt like my dream come true. It became my best friend, but by that time I didn't understood how big problem it was. Only when I was 13, I realized how much time I vacantly lost by using my computer. However, it gave me so much joy. Therefore, I didn't regret the time spent with it even I knew that it was completely unproductive. All in all, computer took a lot
It was 8:30pm in my bedroom. I just got home from football practice like every other night.
I was sitting at my desk, looking around for any small detail that I thought I may have missed. Everything looked organized and the way my roommate and I wanted it to look. I looked at him and told him “this is our new home for a year”. Every upcoming college student dreams about moving day and my time was coming soon. Three weeks prior to move in day, I began organizing and preparing for what was coming, “What are the most important things I should bring”, “How much is the trip going to cost?”, all these questions began to rush towards my head at once and if it wasn’t for the help of my mom, I wouldn’t have been able to organize myself and pack for college.
Hey, it's me as usual. You’re never going to read this but I just need to get some things that have been on my mind out. Lately I find myself listening to X‘s album 17, and it makes me think about so much stuff that I had put aside and hidden somewhere in my head during the beginning of summer. some which I can't even fathom the words to explain. what makes letting go of things so hard is that I promised myself that I would never abandon anyone or let go of the things I care the most about. I never wanted to turn out like my birth mom, I didn't want to be able to forget about someone as easily as she forget about me or even when she forgot about me in the hospital the day I was born to go buy drugs because she cared about that more than her own child. I've always promised myself that I will be the person she was never able to be, that's what makes it impossible to just leave when someone just gives up on me. I've figured out why I'm the way I am, everyone says I have bad taste in guys but they couldn't be more wrong. I've never admitted liking someone till
My name was announced over the loud speaker “Gary Winthrop now up to bat.” I stepped into the box and took a practice swing. I starred the pitcher right in the eyes tempting him to throw me the ball. He wound up and threw me a slow curve ball that felt like it was hanging in the air forever. I took one step and took a smooth swing. The ball popped off my bat like a rocket and flew over the fence to score the winning run. All 50,000 fans in the stands went crazy. I heard my alarm clock go off, dang it was just a dream. I really didn't feel like going to school.
The brain is 3.3 pounds, has 86 billion nerve cells, and makes up 2% of 100% of people. Though this organ belongs to all people, it is still unique to everyone. The decision made, emotions felt, and life that was lived can be held in the palms of a person's hand.