
Personal Narrative: My Road Trip To Sedona From Las Vegas

Satisfactory Essays

The road trip to Sedona from Las Vegas was exciting, for the first hour. If I was writing this story fictionally, I would have told you that the five-hour road journey was a blur, in real life it wasn’t. On the US-93 highway, there were to choices look outside or stare at my lap or foot. Neither were exiting. Most of the time I looked outside to see an empty dessert speeding past me. On this desolate desert, there is a terrible problem, there isn’t any Wi-Fi. As I looked outside I thought that I might die of boredom. A five-hour long road journey without Wi-Fi meant no watchable movies nor any playable games. This boredom continued for about five hours. About forty minutes before reaching my destination, Sedona, I had a false alarm thinking I had reached Sedona. It all started when the GPS navigation system told us to turn towards Phoenix and Flagstaff. My mom was the first to notice the Sedona sign. As my brain began to think, A surge of excitement came over me. “I was finally here!” My brain commented that we are forty minutes ahead. While my mom and I were talking about how excited we are, we didn’t notice the forest of trees ahead nor the GPS indicating there is still forty minutes to go. I can’t express the surprise and dread of the thought of waiting for forty minutes more. …show more content…

Even though we had started to see reddish orange gravel a few miles back, I was not convinced that there really are red rock mountains. I was getting anxious to see if the 5-hour wait was worth it. Now even closer to Sedona than ever, I see the red mountains. The view I saw from my car was a perfect contrast of green and red, trees and mountains. As more mountains start to come into view, the car enters the city surrounded by red jagged

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