
Personal Narrative: My Trip To South Dakota

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Aleesha South Dakota During the summer I went to South Dakota for a national tumbling meet. In South Dakota I also went to Mt. Rushmore, a car museum/scavenger hunt, and the tumbling meet. First we went to the museum/scavenger hunt in Jones County. There were a lot of old cars. The kids would get a map and you would have to follow a sidewalk outside and into different sheds. Every place the sidewalk stopped, we would have to read a clue and try to find a sticker that showed a picture of what the clue ment. At the end, if we completed the map, the kids would get a frisbey. The next day we went to Mt. Rushmore. We had to walk up a lot of steps to get to the monument. When we finally got up to it, there was a big walkway with pillars in the sides

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