
Personal Narrative: My Visit To The Holocaust Museum

Decent Essays

Recently, our class visited the Holocaust Museum. We learned about how 80 to 100 people would be packed into a train car with no food or water. They were taken to concentration camps where they might never see their families again. Many were killed immediately, and others were forced to do hard labor. Although not to this extent, things like this still happen today. Every 19 seconds, someone dies because of genocide. Sometimes, the world seems like it is cloaked in evil, but Romans 12:21 one says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Even though there is a lot of evil in this world, there is a lot of God’s goodness and beauty in it to. Remembering the good left in the world can help us overcome the evil, and we should start with our own lives. When someone does something bad to me, even if it isn’t a big deal, my immediate reaction is anger. I want to get back at them, and not for any good logical reason. But that won’t actually help anything, it will more likely make things worse. Overcoming evil with good would mean forgiving the person, thinking about why they might have done it, and realizing …show more content…

It tells us that no matter what happens, evil can be overcome with good. Ultimately, it already was when Jesus died for us on the cross. As 1 Timothy 12:1a says, “Fight the good fight of the faith.” We never should give up on God’s will, even if it doesn’t happen in our lifetime. Overcoming evil with good doesn’t mean that we should never fight, but that we should fight for good, and all the more determinedly, because what we are fighting for matters. My verse will remind me that when something bad happens, to rely on God to help me overcome it with good. I should never give up hope that God already has overcome the evil in me and the world, and if I trust in Him, then through me He can continue to bring more good to the

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