
Personal Narrative: Nerf Gun War

Decent Essays

Not too long ago some friends and I had a Nerf gun war, to make it harder on us we only had five bullets to start with, that’s one shot for each person. It was a windy, sunny day with no clouds. The ground was damp with dew, since it was eight in the morning. We put our guns in the middle of a yard, and we all agreed not to shoot while getting guns. On the count of three we would run to the middle and pick up a gun. One... two... three! I ran towards the guns, I was aiming to pick up a gun with some range and something for close up battles. Three people collided and we all laughed at them. Then I ran into the street looking for a tree to get into.
I found a tree, it was large and the leaves bristled in the wind, it sounded nice, it was soothing.

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