
Personal Narrative: Nutrition And Weight Loss

Decent Essays

I was in the first grade when my weight increased significantly with no clear reason. After being tested for several different health conditions, we found out that I had been born with insulin resistance. This was a very hard time for my family and me because we had to figure out how to change our lifestyle in order to accommodate my new circumstances. But we did, and as my health increased I began to lose weight. However, after a while, I began to resent taking my medication and wanted to be able to eat all of the other foods my friends were able to enjoy. My problems snowballed when, in sixth grade, I switched from a small Catholic school to a much larger environment in a new town. Being bullied became a huge part of my life, which made things a lot more difficult to cope with. I had no friends and was teased all the time. The kids from the new school began to make fun of me and treated me as if I was worthless. One day I was on my computer and got a group message from many of my classmates. They all started attacking me with rude comments. I felt as if I was not only being tormented at school, but also now at home. There was no escape. …show more content…

When I got there they told me that one of the boys, who was an excellent artist, was going to draw me a "pig mask" because then I would look just like a pig. I knew that they were saying this because of my weight which was extremely devastating, as well as embarrassing. I felt my weight made me different from everyone else. I never wanted to go to school and it got to the point where I would not take the bus. My father had to drive me to school everyday; it was very difficult, but things began to get better when I found a group of friends who cared about me. That summer I went to a sleep away camp that helped me find ways to live with my health condition and become a healthier

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