
Personal Narrative: On-Line Dating

Decent Essays

I’m wondering what’s next, you see, at almost 44, I’ve never been married, don’t have kids and am not sure exactly how that happened. Was it spending 10 years with the wrong guy (probably)? My friends will tell you, I was too picky, not open to relationships and not interested in the guys that were interested in dating me – maybe that’s partially true, but closer to the truth is that I had my heart crushed and was not interested in being heart broken and lied to again. So, I did the practical thing (I am a Virgo after all) and didn’t allow myself to be vulnerable. I dated, mostly guys that I knew weren’t the ones for me—it was safe that way. (In recent years I’ve tortured myself with on-line dating, but I’ll save that for another blog post!) …show more content…

Be grateful. (I’m a glass half full kinda girl). Things aren’t always easy but, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, a job that I love, and a great big family that’s always there, whether I want them or not—they drive me nuts, but they’re mine. I also have amazing friends, some of which have been friends for more than half my life. These are the friends that I know will be there for me always, we’ve laughed and cried, I’ve watched their kids grow up and suffered with them through unexpected loss. We’ve been through break ups and weddings and everything in between, they’ve seen me at my worst and my best and will always be my friends. At the end of the day we all have things we can and to be grateful for.

3. Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. People come and go in your life, some are meant to be with you for a short time and others are lifers like the friends I mention above. Learn from these people, let them go when it’s time (you’ll know when it’s time), look for the lesson and ALWAYS keep moving forward…

4. Give back. I spend a lot of time volunteering, not just because it makes me feel good, but it’s important to remember life isn’t always perfect, it can be humbling and volunteering can help you gain perspective that we sometimes miss as we get wrapped up in our busy

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