
Personal Narrative: Overcoming Adversity

Decent Essays

Yes, I do have several personal life experiences where I have overcame adversity and transformed into the person I am today. As a military child, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend my youth on Feltwell Royal Air Force Base in England and Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska. Since I lived in relative isolated locations, I functioned entirely on base; therefore, I was protected from the harsh realities of the world. Everyone I met understood me, for they experienced the same things I did. However, this changed in the winter of my seventh grade year. My mother’s father was diagnosed with Stage Four lung cancer, so my father applied for a Humanitarian Reassignment. Thankfully, the request was approved and my family was reassigned to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in …show more content…

My father toyed with the idea of retiring for the sake of my high school education, but quickly dismissed it because he loved the Air Force and the life it offered. We patiently waited and were notified several months later that we would be moving to Eielson Air Force Base. At the time, my school refused to transfer the credits that were in-progress, so I was forced to finish a semester worth of work for six classes within two months, otherwise I would have to repeat Sophomore year. With little help from my teachers, I completed the assignments with a week to spare and enjoyed an extended summer since I finished Sophomore year in April. The past three years have been difficult for me, yet I am grateful for the insight it has provided. It shaped my character, for I learned how to overcome situations in which people do not understand my lifestyle. It developed resilience, for I had to continuously adapt to new curriculum since I attended three different schools. It improved my leadership ability because I was exposed to opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise, such as a variety of extracurriculars. Despite all the adversity, I would not change a

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